Perennial Strike in the Ivory Towers - A Case for a Robust and Self-Sustaining Approach - by Dele Falebita.
As at today, Nigeria has 49 federal government universities; 57 state government universities and 111 accredited private universities. In other words, not all universities are locked in Nigeria. Some students are learning in some accredited universities across the nation. Only students principally in the federal universities and their parents are affected by this present strike action. The students from those other universities would go ahead to graduate, take the available opportunities in the job/labour market within reasonable age brackets while the strike-affected ones would have to make do with whatever is left after when and if they graduate. Before year 2000, maybe strike was “great” . Not because it didn’t have its negative consequences. But right now, it appears we have reached a plateau - and ‘diminishing return’ is setting in. Time and season are affecting the perennial reasons for the strike model. The reasons have been about the same through different regimes of govern...